Watch for Smengal the Broken to be available in Europe in the near future


Highly Imaginative Miniatures

  • STORY: Smengal, Plague Angel of Ruin

    STORY: Smengal, Plague Angel of Ruin

    Smengal, Plague Angel of Ruin, led his forces deeper into the network of interconnecting caverns that spread deep below the palace. It had been two days since the Aerial Palace...

    STORY: Smengal, Plague Angel of Ruin

    Smengal, Plague Angel of Ruin, led his forces deeper into the network of interconnecting caverns that spread deep below the palace. It had been two days since the Aerial Palace...

  • New Site? What do I do now?! (Technical Information)

    New Site? What do I do now?! (Technical Informa...

    In a nutshell, we wanted to make our website more accessible for our customers. Our mobile website, in particular, was just not up to today’s standards. In an increasingly smartphone-accessible...

    New Site? What do I do now?! (Technical Informa...

    In a nutshell, we wanted to make our website more accessible for our customers. Our mobile website, in particular, was just not up to today’s standards. In an increasingly smartphone-accessible...

  • Why Limited Edition Variants?

    Why Limited Edition Variants?

    The Spider Demon, Plague Angel, and other classic models from our original Kickstarter are designs that both ourselves and the community loved. Unfortunately we had to discontinue production of some of...

    Why Limited Edition Variants?

    The Spider Demon, Plague Angel, and other classic models from our original Kickstarter are designs that both ourselves and the community loved. Unfortunately we had to discontinue production of some of...

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